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Panico – Rayo Al Ojo (Vinilo, Ed. Chile, 2023)
Panico – Subliminal Kill (Vinilo, Ed. Chile, 2023)
Sleigh Bells – Treats (CD, Ed. Europe, 2010)
Varios – The Wire Tapper 21 (CD, Ed. UK, 2009)
Panico – Pornostar (Vinilo, Ed. Chile, 2013)
A Place To Bury Strangers – Pinned (Vinilo, Ed. US, 2018)
Medicine – Shot Forth Self Living (2 x CD, Ed. US, 2012)
The Flaming Lips – Transmissions From The Satellite Heart (Vinilo, Ed. US, 2011)
The Flaming Lips – The Soft Bulletin (Vinilo, 2 LP, Ed. US, 2011)